What, I have to do revision now?
11:57 p.m. on 2003-05-01

Am sleepy, but can't bring myself to go to bed just yet. Its frustrating, when I've been on the internet for a while just before going to bed I tend to have weird dreams and a restless night. Think I'll watch The West Wing from Monday.

Am not happy. I forgot to watch the Sopranos on Tuesday because I was absorbed in reading a fanfic. It took me two hours, it was so damn long, and then when I finally reached the final chapter it turned out that the writer hadn't actually written an end. And it had been last updated in 2000, so I'm guessing there won't be an end for some time. Dammit, closure is needed!

My own fic is stuck in writers block land. Wrote a little on the Faculty 2, wrote some SG1 stuff, but that's about it. Blah. Yet I still find enough to distract me from doing revision.

Ooh! Going to see X-Men 2 tomorrow night. Mm, Patrick Stewart goodness. Saw a clip on the telly today, him versus Ian McKellen. He's still hot, I don't care what anyone says. Mroaw.

Saturday night we're off to see Mithu in Kiss Me Kate, a musical she has both choreagraphed and performed in, which is now being shown at the Gala theatre in Durham. It's a proper, professional venue so its a big deal. Even if we have already seen it.

Heh, Laura gave me my belated birthday present yesterday - the Hope album. Which I already own. Doh! Proves she knows me well, though. Despite somehow thinking Billy Bragg was a stand up comic.

Bleugh, I have to pay out so much money at the mo. College bill came in at over 900 quid, then there's the 2000 pounds I owe Guerba, and another 1000 for American Airlines. Oh, and graduation costs, which are small in comparison but still a pain.

Claire, if you're reading this, a Due South boxset would cheer me up... hint hint...lol.

Anyways, in 13 days I have my first exam. I should really feel nervous yet, strangely, I don't. Or maybe not so strangely, I hate this so much. Grr.

Oh! Been listening to WRBC, the radio station of Bates College, which was the uni Betsy attended. I was so impressed by two of the djs playing Kendall Payne I had to e-mail them and gush, and I got a shout out! I think they were more impressed at the idea that there were international listeners. Can't blame them, I'd be freaked out too. But still... Kendall Payne, woo!

Okay, I have to share this image of Robert Downey Jnr with you. It's by an artist called Sam Taylor-Wood (I think), and is designed to resemble Michaelango's Pieta, with Downey as Christ and Taylot-Wood as, um, Mary Magdalen? I dunno. But it's just such a wonderful shot, made all the more poignant by Downey's history. Its just gorgeous, and a very good muse.


Hmm, Norah Jones is on her third repeat, best go to bed...

Quote: "So you mean in some alternate reality there's a version of me that actually has a clue what your on about?"

Listening to: Norah Jones

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