This is what reading the Independent will do to you
8:24 a.m. on 2004-03-01

"Politicians too often forget why they go into politics in the first place. Guys like me come and go. But cerain things transcend politics and politicians. They are called values."

That's a quote in today's Independent, by a man named Gavin Newsom.

What do you mean, you don't know who Gavin Newsom is? Well, he's the mayor of San Franscisco, who on 12th February authorised his city clerk to grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Since then nearly 3,500 people have used this opportunity to wed, and quite rightly so.

Of course, Bush and his supporters (including Schwarzeneggar, who rather amusingly warned of 'riots in the streets' if 'these people' were allowed to continue in their act of love) are ready to amend the Consititution to protect what they see as the morally sacrasant act of marriage. But it doesn't matter. Gavin Newsom, despite being once described as an 'empty suit' who would always opt for the popular choice, has played a huge part in a powerful human rights movement. And he's very chirpy about it, too.


Yet more stupidity from the White House. Last week the Senate was considering a Bill which would grant immunity for gun manufacturers from any lawsuits brought against them by the vicims of shootings and their families. The White House, apparantly bowing to pressures from that wonderful representative body known as the NRA, opposes any amendent to this Bill - including efforts to force manufacturers to put child locks on all handguns.

WHAT?! How can anyone OPPOSE the idea of putting child locks on handguns? For the love of god, we'll screw the tops of bleach down so hard onto bottles that not only can neither children nor the elderly get into them, but neither can the rest of the population without some sort of tea-towel, nut-cracker type contraption. But guns?! What possible reason can the NRA have for not wanting this? And what about the White House? How can anyone in their right mind oppose a law which will stop an 8 year old from picking up their dad's gun and accidentally blowing their head off with it.


And yet further insanity, although of a lighter nature. Was watching some of the pre-Oscar spiel this morning, and an attractive female presenter was interviewing Elijah Wood and Peter Jackson. Elijah was more interested in her dress - a shimmery, sparkly affair which clung to her whippet body and was, I admit, very attractive. But get this - the dress was worth 2.5 MILLION dollars.

2.5 million. 2.5 million. 2.5 million.

Say it a couple more times and it still won't make anymore sense.

Elijah and PJ then joked that they should rip the dress off the presenter and run away with it. I rather hoped they would - not just because I wanted to embarrass the annoying female presenter, but also because you could donate the thing to Oxfam and feed a small African state for a year on it.

2.5 million. Eep. I panick when I buy a top that's more than 25 quid!

And on the Oscars... LOTR won all 11. Woo! Okay, so I don't think Annie Lennox really deserved it (I love her, but the song was a bit pants) but hey, 11 Oscars!

And now the cast and crew are no doubt getting wankered at the TORN after show party. Lugger buggers. Oh well... none of THEM got to go to Castle Formal in Durham, and that's MUCH harder to get into than any Oscar party.

Yeah. Ya boo suckers!


Listening to: My Life Story - It's A Boy Thing

Quote: "Gift wrapped and ready she's another teenage mail order bride. The box was labelled fragile and the contents slightly fried, I couldn't find the buttons and the batteries weren't supplied."

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