A random quiz to start the year
12:18 p.m. on 2005-01-02

I stole this from Cass.

Best of 2004
- Party: Um... Not sure. Can't think of one to be honest with you.
- Show: Stargate Atlantis. Woo!
- New show: Stargate Atlantis. Hee.
- Comeback show: Um... The Sopranos. Fourth season was losing it's way but fifth season kicked ass.
- Reality show: Didn't watch any. Well except for occasional episodes of the X-Factor forced upon me by Claire and Hayley.
- TV moment: McKay being pushed off the balcony by Sheppard. When asked by Weir what the hell they were going, McKay responds: "Well that's not the first thing we tried." Sheppard: "I shot him. In the leg!"
- CD: Tough one. Probably Barenaked Ladies, the Manchester gig.
- Song: Um, "Break Your Heart" by the Barenaked Ladies
- Movie: Currently, "Nothing," which is a great little Canadian flick about two guys (geeks) who hate the world so much that they just end up hating it away. Although if you can't see that, go see Napolean Dynamite instead. Which is wonderful.
- Video game: Don't play them. I have Diablo, but got pissed since I'm dying and I'm only on the second level of the abandoned church thing. Isn't there any easy option?
- Experience: Sri Lanka. Either the elephant orphanage or going on the mini safari to see wild ones.
- Concert: Barenaked Ladies! Duh. Not sure whether to pick Manchester or Leeds, but I'm going for Manchester, because me and Hayley met them afterwards.
- Book: The Sandman, by Neil Gaiman.
- Month: September. Louise's wedding AND Sri Lanka! Yay!
- Day: any day in Sri Lanka, really.

hopes for 2005:
- Predict something that you think will happen in 2005?: Big Brother, um, what are we on now, 6? Lord help us.
- What do you hope changes about your country?: An end to naff reality tv shows. And I'd quite like it if Blair resigned and Gordon took his place. Not that I like Gordon, but y'know, lesser of two weevils.
- What do you hope for yourself?: Um... NCIS. Ooh and a nice holiday.
- What do you hope for your family?: Heh. Um... happiness.

during 2004:
1. Where were you when it began:
At Hayley's dad/stepmum's pub, with a quite terrible female artist screeching her way through various Celine Dion and Mariah Carey tracks.
2. Did you stay up: Yes. Bit hard to fall asleep with that voice in your ear.
3. What was your new year wish: Probably to have a nice holiday. LOL.
4. How many boy/girlfriends: None.
5. Broke up: None.
6. Have any crushes: One. Which started and ended within the space of a night. Unless you count fake celebrity crushes in which case...
7. Care to mention names: the guy from Hayley's works' do who was there (sadly) with his lovely girlfriend and who looked a bit like a young Kevin Hearn (he did, not the girlfriend).
8. New friends: Not really.
9. Had to say goodbye: To the people at my old job. I miss you guys!
10. Missed anyone: See above.
11. Win anything: Tickets to go see Farenheit 911! Hey, it's the first time I've won anything except a tombola.
12. Best place you went to: Sri Lanka. Duh.
13. Worst place you went to: Heathrow airport.
14. Happiest moment: Sitting on an elephant, thinking "This just never gets old."
15. How was your birthday: Um... nuts... what did I do for my birthday this year? I'm having a mental block.

Seriously. I've forgotten completely.

Oh and if you haven't already...


Listening to: Johnny Cash "Boy Named Sue"

Quote: Boy Named Sue lyrics.

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