Internet rambles
9:58 p.m. on 2005-03-02

The reason I haven't updated in a while: because if I was talking about what I actually felt like talking about you'd get very bored, tell me to stop whining, and grow the hell up.

Suffice it to say... my job sucks.

I have also lost interest in the internet. It tends to exist in peaks and dips, my time spent web surfing. Some days I can spend hours wasting time checking out diaryland entries or playing about in David Hewlett sites and responding to every topic on Efan. But eh... currently it bores me. Partly I think this is because it distracts me from what I should be doing if I'm on the home PC - which is to be writing. Bad me. And also because if I surf the net before bed, it takes me ages to get to sleep because my brain starts travelling at a million miles a minute.

Don't know why... it just does. Probably making this entry a bad idea, but never mind.

Also my mother seems to think I must be miserable, spending all this time on my own. Which I'm not - I spend nine hours a day in a room with ten other people, so the rest of the time is just me relaxing. But I guess my mother is like my sister, in that she has the most fun when she's surrounded by her friends. And she doesn't quite understand people who can entertain themselves on their own, who don't need company all the time to find amusement.

Not that I'm turning into some social recluse. Not like I was ever the most fluttery social butterfly of course... but I'm not getting any worse.

It's just, for some reason, she would rather I sit downstairs and watch soap, than sit upstairs and surf the net.

Anyway... here are some meaningless things that have made me smile over the past week:

Top 10 Reasons Why Lesbians Love Popular!

THAT episode of the Simpsons

Seeing snippets of brand new Family Guy during Channel Four's run down of the top 100 cartoons

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, and Thom screaming: "Oh my god, he's stroking his wood!"

Spying naked David Nkyl in the "Ice Fishing" Subway ad

Hey, I might be a geek, but I'm a geek with warm ears.

Listening to: TM Juke "Maps of the Wilderness"

Daniel: "Say something about the future.
O'Neill:"Uh, College Football is played on Saturdays, pro on Sundays, donuts are plentiful, and theres no fish in my pond. I think that just about covers it."
(Hammond stops tape and brings up lights)
Alt Daniel: "Did they say Stargate?"
Alt. Carter: "Time travel?"
Hammond: "Yes, but we're still trying to decypher exactly what doughnuts are."

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