My pretty skirt! Running over the hills...
12:54 p.m. on 2004-06-02

Okay, so I suspect you'll be bloody lucky if you get to read this entry since diaryland seems to be playing about, and my diary - and especially, the background image - is failing to load.


Went shopping with Sarah and Louise last night. I was only going for some much needed underwear (Marks and Sparks might be comfortable, but when they have waved goodbye to 'white' a long time ago and are now a 'pants-left-in-wash' (TM Eddie Izzard) you know something has to change)... but I ended up getting...

A skirt.

A short skirt.

A very short skirt.

Louise doesn't like it, Sarah did. I admit, it's different from what I normally wear. Given that the most the world normally sees of my legs is my less-than-shapely calves, gifting humanity with the sight of my thighs is quite a scary prospect.

Probably more scary for the world...

It's red. Which means it's yet another outfit I can only wear with my favourite pair of red sandals which are, alas, a size too small and about to collapse under the strain.

It's also expensive. But it was something I had to have.

I went through The Five Stages, y'see.

1. Seeing the item, loving it, but putting it back because you're being sensible and know you can't afford it.

2. Going to another shop, but being unable to stop thinking about the item, you try to distract yourself with other, cheaper options. These don't work. You know that if you leave that skirt where it is for a minute longer, someone else will buy it and you'll regret it FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE (duh duh duh DUUUHHHH)

3. Returning to the shop and trying on the item. Humming and haahing in the changing room for about half an hour, before throwing caution to the wind and buying it.

4. Retail guilt. Your head becomes filled with questions like: "But it doesn't go with anything!" and "But when am I gonna wear it?" You consider taking it back to the shop and getting a refund.

5. You try on the item at home, and prance about in front of the mirror. You show it to every relative, every friend, every passerby to get their opinion. You decide it's your new favourite thing and sod the expense.

Yeah. Well.... I will take a photo of Me In The Skirt and post it. Can't you guess, I'm currently in Stage Five?

Stage 6 involves my sister borrowing the damn thing and then getting it lost in the depths of her wardrobe...

Listening to: Due South Soundtrack

Quote: "I didn't grade your tests. I was too busy cursing your individual images as they appeared to me in a fever dream."

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