I have pretty shoes.
4:53 p.m. on 2005-05-03

Went to my interview today.

It went pretty well, I think. I hope. I did my best, anyway, and didn't fluff anything, so I couldn't have hoped for more than that.

There were three people asking me different questions. Very lovely, very friendly. The meeting was very one-sided: they would ask a question, I'd give the answer, and then they'd ask a different question, with no back/forth exchange that I've previously experienced. Fortunately my step-uncle, who has had an interview with the council previously, had mentioned that this might be the style of the interview, so I wasn't surprised.

I think my previous work helped me give some good answers. I know that I could give answers that others might not be able to, because given what both my dad and my stepmum do for livings, I know of situations they've been in which are the sort of thing the interviewers were thinking of when they asked me the questions.

This is probably very confusing for anyone reading this who doesn't know a) what the job I've applied for is or b) what my relatives do as a living. Unfortunately I can't really explain things in great detail (ooh, makes it sound like I'm a spy, or something far more interesting than the truth!) but... ah... well, the job I've applied for would give me a sense of satisfaction of actually contributing something to Manchester. Kinda.

Anyway... after the interview I went clothes shopping. Haven't done that for ages, not since before Christmas, and I didn't spend too much. For under eighty quid I managed to get two pairs of shoes, a skirt, and two tops, which is pretty good going. I reason: if I get the job, it's more money, so I can afford the spree. If not, then it's comfort shopping.

Listening to: Vic Reeves "I'm A Believer"

Quote: "I'm not saying I didn't love you, or that I'm happy that you're dead, but my doctor did advise you to keep a rifle by your bed..."

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