More stuff about me.
10:47 a.m. on 2004-04-24

Mwhwha. Yup, it's another pointless quiz, stolen from Cass!

current clothing: green silk combat pants, cotton vest with a arty pic of a naked Greek woman on the front.

current mood: Content.

current taste: homemade bread fresh from Linda

current hair: a little too long at the back (it's ticking my neck) and with patches of red, patches of blonde, and patches of my original brown. Darn Bolivian hairdressers. My dad says I look like a tabby cat.

current annoyance: my butt hurts, largely because I'm sat on the edge of my seat because Poodle (a cat) is taking up the rest.

current smell: dust. Can dust smell? That's what I'm smelling, anyways.

current thing you ought to be doing: looking for a new job

current jewelry: nothing, save for a cheap pair of clear studs

current book: Billy Bragg's biography

current refreshment: english tea, milk no sugar

current worry: my lack of direction in life. Oh, and the HUGE fucking spider I saw in the kitchen. I swear, I've never seen anything that size outside of a rainforest. *shudders*

current crush: Christopher Gorham. I don't fancy anyone in real life...

current favorite celebrity: Uh, see above. LOL.

current longing: creative fulfilment and an end to my laziness.

current music: nothing. I should be listening to Jonathon Ross on Radio 2, but my sister is in bed suffering from a hangover so I daren't...

current wish: to end this cursed writers block.

current lyric in your head: "hello Mr Zebra,can I have your sweater, cause it�s cold cold cold in my hole hole hole. Ratatouille Strychnine, sometimes she�s a friend of mine with a gigantic whirlpool that will blow your mind".... yes, I think Tori Amos was smoking something the day she wrote this...

current makeup: none. For once.

current undergarments: unsexy white M&S pants and a very old, slightly too small bra which is that 'pants-left-in-wash' shade of gray. Yes, you can tell our house has no washing machine at the moment.

current regret: not doing my handwashing when I should have. I now have nothing to wear.

current desktop picture: see to your right.

current plans for tonight/weekend: not much. Play on the computer, write, bathe in the sunshine, update Kennedy High. Well, in my defence, all my friends are busy.

current cuss word du jour: okey-doke. I HATE that phrase but can't stop saying it.

current disappointment: Six Feet Under. Why won't Nate just die?!

current amusement: Friends

current IM/person you're talking to: none. How anti-social of me.

current love: downloading anime.

current obsession: Jake 2.0

current avoidance: handwashing my clothes.

current thing or things on your wall:

Art. A piece of art by Sarah McLachlan, a print of two men walking along a beach, and a Cannes Film Festival poster which depicts a woman with angel wings falling from a skyscraper, her arms outstretched towards the camera. Also various bits of textiles and ornaments from across the world: an upside pineapple from Holland, a woven tapestry from Bolivia.... oh, and a picture of the Hobbits, and Christopher Gorham. *coughs*

current favorite book: All the Right Places by Brad Newsham. Everyone should read it, especially if they have any interest in travelling to China, Japan, or Russia.

current favorite movie: Subway, the Luc Besson flick. I've only watched half of it so far but it's pretty good.

Ta da! Okay, now I really have to move, I've lost all feeling in my ass.

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