Update on moi
8:43 p.m. on 2005-08-04

Booked tickets to Pride today.

Woo! I'm very excited. I've wanted to go for the past couple of years but I only ever seemed to realise it was on when the MEN was giving it a review.

I'm also going to Amsterdam for three nights in September, which I'm also pretty excited about. It means I keep my pledge of leaving the country at least once a year, but this time I get to do it with friends!

Had a pay rise at work, a hefty one at that. It's not something I can feel hugely excited about, because the rise is simply a neccessity, a flaw in the plan of the PTB to maintain its image as a quality employer. Anyone who works there knows different. The pay rise simply brings me in line with the new starters. Hah!

Still, gift horses and all that.

Oh, and I was picked up in Timpsons.

For those of you who don't inhabit this island, Timpsons is a chain of shoe-repair/key making shops. I was in my local branch to pick up a couple of tags for the cats. Now, Timpsons has a slight reputation for being... well... home to flirts. It's harmless fun, a source of entertainment for the guys who, otherwise, would not have much to do all day. It's not like Timpsons is ever jampacked.

So, the guy flirted, and I friendly-flirted back. He joked about how I was giving him my number (to have it engraved onto the tags) and said he would have to give me something in return.

A few hours later I returned to pick them up. My man had left, presumably for the day, but his two mates were still there, and one handed over my cat tags joking: "He's made you an extra one, but you don't have to keep it."

I looked into the bag. I'd asked for three tags, but there were four. Okay, I figure, he's given me a free tag. Nice of him, very nice - considering the price of the damn things.


"No," his friend says, grinning, "look closer."

Three tags bore my phone number, nice and simple. The fourth was engraved with a name and a phone number that contained far too many digits to be mine.

"Give it to your boyfriend," the friend says, laughing. "I told him he'd probably get a phonecall from a man."

Okay, so I'm sure he does it for all the girls. And I wasn't attracted to him. But flirtation is a good morale boost, and I have never, ever been picked up in such a, um, original way before...

Listening to: Mark Owen (I'm so uncool!)

"Can't we just submerge the city again?"
"It's a city, not a yo-yo!"

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