Matey bubble bath and biscuits
12:32 p.m. on 2004-12-04

Sun is currently streaming in through the windows, directly onto the computer screen, so if I make any obvious typos I blame my lack of visibility.

Little things amuse me. Like... like dunking chocolate chip cookies into a mug of tea, only for the biscuit to fall apart at the final second and either leave a trail of sticky black crumbs over my shirt, or at the bottom of the mug, only to be discovered in that final, "ergh" mouthful.

Like going to the supermarket and buying "Healthy Eggs - produced from chickens fed on a vegetarian diet." Because normally chickens would eat burgers and spare ribs. Their beaks are evidently designed for ripping strips of meat from a turkey thigh.

Although if, in the regular course of the meat industry, chickens are fed meat-based products.... ew.

Like... seeing bottles of Matey on the shelf at Somerfields. Did your parents buy you Matey when you were a kid? Eye-friendly bubble bath packaged in novelty-shapes: a comical sailor for the boys, a pink princess for the girls. This was back in the days when it was still okay (and not weird and kinda like that episode of Friends, y'know the one where Rachel dates that guy who wrestles with his sister?) to have baths with your sibling, and heck, even throw in a couple of next doors kids for good measure.

Baths were bigger then. And bubbles seem to rise higher. They'd cover the surface of the water, and you could grab handfuls and blow them into your sibling's face, or across the bathroom carpet (much to your parent's chagrin). Nowadays baths go cold too quickly, they're too small, they give you neck cramp if you lie in them too long, bubble bath (adult Radox, not Matey) gives you nothign mroe than a weak, pathetic drabble of bubbly goodness, you always end up dropping your book in there, and then when you get out you can't help thinking, "Well, I was just sitting in my own filth anyway, best have a shower to wash it all off."

Baths were simply more fun, when you were younger.

So were most things.

Listening to: Barenaked Ladies "Green Bag"

Quote: "Lieutenant Ford is � he�s a young cat but he�s very adamant about his position. He�s definitely the weapons expert and a military force on the scene. Never lose your gun � it�s always by your side � like a good woman, or a good man, or a good dog, or a good goldfish." - Rainbow Sun Francis

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