Fears and cures
10:20 p.m. on 2005-01-09

I'm considering hypnotherapy.

No, don't laugh. There's a guy in my home town who does it, he actually has patients sent to him by local doctors in our area.

I don't really know the first thing about it. All I do know is... I hate fireworks.

Okay, fair enough, lots of people hate fireworks, just like lots of people hate party poppers. But let me group the two things into one fear and say - I actually break out into a sweat when I'm in the same room as some party poppers (and know they're going to be used). And fireworks night is even worse. I practically had a panic attack coming back from work last bonfire night because I knew, any minute, all hell was going to break loose.

Yes, I know it's stupid. It's not like I'm scared of being hit in the eye by a party popper, or that a firework is somehow going to smash through a window in my house and set fire to the furniture.

Nevertheless.... I freak when I hear them, when I see them, when I'm near them.

And it's getting worse.

Now, I want to go to China. And I want to go for Chinese New Year. Which will be fine and all, except for the fireworks and firecrackers. I know that as my brain works currently, there's no way I could stand being outside in all that, let alone be in the midst of it, and not be cowering in the corner somewhere, all sweating and pale and jumpy and just generally... icky.

So, assuming I can afford it, I'm going to try something I would never otherwise consider.

And if it works, I might go back and get him to cure me of my spider-phobia. Ooh, and my wasp-phobia. And that nasty aversion I have to mushrooms...

Listening to: The Proclaimers "The Joyful Kilmarnock Blues"

Book: "Yes, I'd forgotten you're moonlighting as a criminal mastermind now. Got your next heist planned?"
Simon: "No. But I'm thinking about growing a big black mustache. I'm a traditionalist."

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