Random quiz while I sneeze
9:54 a.m. on 2005-02-09

So I was ill over the weekend, went back to work on Monday and Tuesday, felt like shit on Tuesday night (Claire can attest to the horrible noises she could hear down the other end of the phone) and now it's Wednesday and I'm off. Again. My room is covered in snotty tissues and I'm doped up to my eyeballs with cough mixture, aspirin, and this menthol herbal cream thing that Lenin bought me in Bolivia and makes my nose sting.

So... I'm wasting time. Here's a quiz stolen from Cass.

TEN Random Things About Me

1. I do not have green fingers, but my plants seem to have an incredible survival instinct.
2. I am usually on the last minute for getting to places.
3. If I don't say hi to you in the street, it's because my mind is somewhere else. Usually another galaxy. Beginning with P...
4. I will buy random movies just because they have an actor in I fancy. But thanks to this method I have only wasted my money a couple of times (Black & White, Insomniac's Nightmare) and have more often than not watched fantastic movies I wouldn't have otherwise (Jeffrey, Treed Murray, Century Hotel, Nothing).
5. I like walking through an empty street at night.
6. I mouth the words to songs I'm listening to on my I-Pod, even if I'm in public.
7. I fancy most of the staff at Vinyl Exchange in Manchester (the one off Deansgate, not the other one).
8. After a nasty childhood incident I now hate goats.
9. Part of my anatomy can make people scream.
10. I am strangely proud of that fact.

NINE Ways To Win My Heart
1. Argue with me over something incredibly geeky.
2. Do something with me that you dislike, but you'll do it anyway because you know I like it.
3. Buy me exactly what I need when I'm sick, even if I don't know that's what I need.
4. That Bacci ad.
5. Put up with my Hewlett-crush and Efan habits.
6. Be unaware of how attractive you are.
7. Own decent underwear and always smell nice.
8. Know when to leave me alone.
9. Be willing to know when to do your own thing without me.

EIGHT Things I Want To Do Before I Die
1. Go to Japan.
2. Travel a section of the Yangtze before the dam is finished.
3. Learn a language (properly).
4. Own a pair of red cowboy boots.
5. Publish a book/tv show.
6. Meet a fan. Just one.
7. Tell Dominic Monaghan to stop talking shit about his home town.
8. Dance in Cuba.

SEVEN Things I Believe In
1. Karma.
2. Aliens.
3. Gay rights.
4. Peter DeLuise is the Second Coming.
5. Vr5 was a fantastic show, damnit!
6. The possibility of artificial intelligence.
7. Pregnant women should not be considered equally for a promotion as a non-pregnant woman.

SIX Things That Get Me Mad
1. Tony Blair
2. George Bush
3. Shit, cheap television
4. Golf umbrellas used outside of a golf course
5. Arrogance

FIVE Things I'm Afraid Of
1. Charles Clarke
2. Deaths in the family
3. Home insurance adverts
4. Condi Rice
5. Fireworks, dogs, goats, wasps, spiders, planes, scallies, Quito.

FOUR of my Favourite Items In My Room Right Now
1. George the cat.
2 My computer.
3. My ipod.
4. My CD collection.

THREE Things I Do Every Day
1. Listen to music.
2. Daydream.
3. Pet a cat.

TWO Things I Need To Do Right Now.
1. Cough
2. Sneeze

ONE Person I Want To See Right Now
1. David Hewlett bearing a big box of tissues and a Lemsip.

Listening to: Babybird "Bad Old Man"


Sam: Sir, I wanted to talk to you about...
Jack: Carter
Sam: We haven't heard from him in a week.
Jack: Doesn't mean anything.
Sam: Sir, we know he was captured by Replicators. Chances are he was onboard a replicator ship when it disintegrated.
Jack: All we know for sure is that he's missing.
Sam: Sooner or later...
Jack: Forget it! I'm not falling for it this time!
Sam: Falling for it?
Jack: Yeah. How many times have you thought he was gone and he shows up in one form or another. I'm sorry, but we're not having a memorial service for someone who is not dead.
He looks up into the room and shouts out.
Jack: You hear that? I'm not buying it!
He waits for a response from Daniel, then looks at Sam
Jack: What? He's just waiting for us to say a bunch of nice stuff about him. Next thing you know, he'll come waltzing through that door. Right now. Waltzing. Now.

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