Side together side STEP!
9:08 p.m. on 2005-05-11

I still haven't heard back from the interview. Goshdarnit.

Meanwhile... did I tell you I'm learning salsa? Well, I am. One lesson a week, mind you, so it's not really intensive.

Our teacher is... well... about as far removed from Jennifer Lopez in "Shall We Dance" as you can get, without her turning into Peter Kay (who, incidentally, continues to stalk me). She's about nineteen, with a reasonable figure and a permatan, and a particularly strident Manchester accent with which she yells at us at a high volume.

"Side together side STEP. Side together side STEP. One TWO three FOUR and SPIN!"

She's very nice, despite her lack of authentic Latin American music, instead opting for some Spanish-esque pop singer crooning over his guitar. Week. After. Week.

Last week we earnt a reprieve because she was off, and her replacement picked genuine Latin American songs, which proved easier to dance to. On the downside... well... he was very, very .... camp. In his thirties, a shock of badly bleached blonde hair dyed with a streak of brown, portly, permatanned (of course!) and wearing white linen pants... and nothing beneath.


As if this weren't enough, his assistants - who all looked like better groomed versions of Busted - bore t-shirts on which, in rhinestones, was written: "D-'s Dancehall!"

Oh lordy.

It's a lot of fun, though. Myself and Louise are pretty fast learners, compared to the rest of the class, but although we pick up the steps I have to admit, we're not particularly elegant. "Three legged pirates" spring to mind. Also hindering our movements is the choice I made to be the man in our partnership - which is a choice I'm fine and happy with... except... Well, Louise is considerably taller than me. And this means that when she's spinning under my arm, I have to stand on my tiptoes or else she smacks her head into my elbow.


Good fun though. And it's all exercise, which counts towards that Easter Egg I've been saving since the holidays. One of those really posh Cadbury's ones, you know, with the egg inside the egg inside the egg?

Yup, that one.

Listening to: Tom Mcrae "How the West Was Won"

LUKE: "Shouldn�t we give thanks first?"
JESS: "Thanks for what?"
LUKE: "Well, that we�re not Native Americans who got their land stolen in exchange for smallpox infested blankets."
LORELAI: "Amen."

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