I am Monica. And use a damn coaster!
10:26 a.m. on 2003-10-13

I should take time out to explain something about myself.

You know that quiz, where you decide which character from Friends you are most like? I already know, and its Monica.

Yes, I like coasters under cups. Understandably - I have pine furniture and they are scratched enough already without someone leaving a drink stain on them. For the same reason, I don't like people leaving sharp objects such as hairbrushes on my furniture without something beneath them.

My magazines are arranged in date order, my CDs and DVDs arranged alphabetically. My clothes are separated into "jeans and jumpers," "long sleeve tops and t-shirts" and "anything else." My photos are all in albums. My desk is organized into separate drawers for stationary, present-wrapping equipment, and folders. And I will notice if someone moves one of my ornaments to another place.

For some reason, my friends find this annoying. I see it as common sense. After all, you will rarely find me searching for my keys, and nor will I, when asked where my criminology homework is, respond: "It could be under that pile of dirty washing, or the dog could hav eaten it." For one thing, I don't have a dog. And for another, my dirty washing is kept in a small cloth bag hung up on the back of my door.

And it doesn't stay dirty for very long.

At the moment I am in the middle of decorating my room. The furniture is in disarray, my stuff is spread across a collection of cardboard boxes and housed on the landing, the wallpaper has been stripped, and I am going slowly nuts.

I'm losing things. I'm treading in wallpaper glue. And everytime I wake up in the morning it's to face a different part of the ceiling.

In the words of Colonel O'Neill: "If we don�t find a way out of this soon I�m gonna lose it. Lose it�it means go crazy, nuts, insane, bonzo, no longer in possession of one�s faculties, three fires short of a happy meal�WACKO!"


Listening to: My Life Story - Duchess

Quote: "Hey Daniel! Feed my fish!"

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