And I stepped through the looking glass...
12:43 p.m. on 2004-03-15

Hah! Someone found my diary by searching for 'Kurtrude', as in the nickname of a character of Odyssey 5.

It's quite sad when that makes my day.

But woke up in a cheerier mood than yesterday, although Efan is still pissing me off, bunch of ungrateful bastards (with a few notable exceptions).

My cheeriness possibly involves a dream I had last night, which is so weird I have to share.

Was back at university, preparing to go to a big party. I remember that Elijah Wood was a special guest. An enormous crowd of people, including Elijah, were walking through a big park to get to the party. I was trying to catch Elijah's attention and eventually succeeded by pointing out that along this bridge grew a plant whose seed pods explode if you squeeze them gently.

Seriously. This is my favourite plant ever. As kids my sister and I used wander through a local park, popping them all... ahem.

Anyway, Elijah and I were both amusing ourselves doing this, and then Elijah beckoned me over to show me a trick of his own. It gets a little fuzzy here... I remember we were stood on the edge of this wooden bride, and Elijah was kneeling down, and I was stood beside him, panicking slightly because I'd shaved my legs a few days ago and they were now stubbly.

So Elijah showed me his trick. Which basically, well, involved spelling out words using tiny maggots.

I know. Weird, right? Strangely, in the dream I wasn't freaked out by either the maggots or Elijah's apparant desire to use them as alphabites...

All this dream interpretation stuff is bullshit. This is not my subconscious telling me I have a secret I need to offload, or some fears I need to face, or any of that crap.

This is my subconsious flicking through everything I've experienced that day - watching Elijah on Graham Norton, glimpsing a short clip of a wildlife documentary whilst channel hopping, thinking back to university bops - and going: "Whee! What shit can we come up with tonight? I'll have a bit of that, and that, and a pinch of that, stir it up together, go on a sugar high, and wallah! THAT will unnerve her!"

I like my subconsious. It's my favourite self-feature.

Listening to: Joni Mitchell - River

Quote: "Why should anyone find it weird to have an Asian Doctor Who? It makes perfect sense. All Asian families want their kids to become doctors." - Sanjeev Bhaskar

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