Waffling before work
8:24 a.m. on 2004-05-19

Yup, it's quiz time again, this time stolen from Cass. Who stole it from Jay.

Movie Meme:

Top 3 Favorite Directors:

1. Luc Besson
2. Hayao Miyazaki
3. Jean-Pierre Jeunet

Top 3 Most Attractive Male and/or Female Actors:

1. Elijah Wood
2. Christopher Gorham
3. Clea Duvall

Top 10 All-time Favorite Movies (no particular order):

1. Singin' in the Rain
2. Footloose
3. Jeffrey
4. LOTR: Trilogy
5. Ghost in the Shell
6. My Neighbour Totoro
7. Amelie
8. Fifth Element
9. The Faculty
10. Ten Things I Hate About You

Best 3 NEW Movies (that you saw in theaters):

1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
2. The Station Agent
3. Um.... (BTW Cass, you've seen SpIVS? TELL ME!)... ROTK? Although that was ages ago...

Top 5 Most Anticipated Movies:

1. Farenheit 911.
Seriously. I am bouncing up and down for this one.
2. Spiderman 2
3. Harry Potter and whatever the hell this one is called
4. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
5. The Firefly Movie

Top 3 Crappiest Movies You've Ever Seen:

1. Black and White (sorry Elijah)
2. Soldier
3. Saving Private Dumbass

Your favorite scene from any movie:

The end of Usual Suspects. No I won't spoil it!
The moment when Darius dies in Jeffrey
The scene in Singin' in the Rain where Gene Kelly woos Debbie Reynolds by taking her to an abandoned studio and dancing... *swoon*

The movie that made you cry the most (if you cry in movies):

LOTR. Wept buckets.

The movie that made you feel the best at the end:

Singin' in the Rain, or Jeffery.

The movie that you made fun of the most:

LOTR. Eh heh. "Hobbit orgy! No, Gimli, not you too, aargh!"

15 Years Ago, I:

1. Was still playing tag.
2. Had long brown hair.
3. Was good at... stuff.
4. Read more than I do now.
5. Was popular. LOL.

10 Years Ago, I:

1. Was skipping school.
2. Was playing with my stepsisters, happily unaware that the reason we were being allowed to get away with so much crap was because my mother had guilt complex.
3. Still didn't know what boys were.
4. Read more than I do now.
5. Still played tag.

5 Years Ago, I:

1. Was coming to the end of my first year at sixth form and wondering about unis.
2. Was discovering the music of Half Man Half Biscuit.
3. Was making friends with Claire!
4. Was making friends with Louise!
5. Was learning Japanese.

3 Years Ago, I:

1. Was at uni.
2. Was still interested in philosophy.
3. Was possibly in Italy about now.
4. Was getting fucked up by a certain unnamed boy.
5. Was enjoying the sun.

1 Year Ago, I:

1. Was skipping classes.
2. Was getting bored with philosophy.
3. Was trying not to think about real life.
4. Was planning my trip to South America.
5. Was not revising for my finals.

Yesterday, I:

1. Rang my 80 year old grandfather to talk computers.
2. Watched South Park.
3. Ate noodles, stir fried mange tout and salmon.
4. Baked cakes.
5. Hugged Claire.

Today, I:

1. Will eat said cakes.
2. Will text Hayley.
3. Will eat tea with my dad.
4. Will do some work... lol.
5. Watched an episode of Monster. VERY cool anime.

Tomorrow, I:

1. Will work.
2. Will watch Jake 2.0.
3. Will have a post-coital cup of tea after Jake 2.0.
4. Will go to bed imagining happy places with Jake 2.0.
5. Will dream of Jake 2.0.

5 Things I'd Buy With �1000

1. A trip to Hong Kong
2. An iPod
3. A pair of Jimmy Choos
4. Something from the local designer dress shop 'Spirit'
5. My credit card. LOL.

Top 5 Musicians Lately

1. Bally Sagoo
2. Keane
3. Maroon 5
4. Billy Bragg
5. Barenaked Ladies

Bad Habits I Have

1. Biting my nails
2. Lazy
3. Choosing the easy option

Interests at the moment:

1. Jake 2.0
2. Internet tv
3. Layout design
4. Wearing skirts

5 Places I've Lived:

1. Durham
2. Stockport
Woo interesting me!

Now I'm gonna do work

Listening to: Bally Sagoo's "Hanji"

Quote: "I plan to live forever. Or die trying."

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Even Older
Really frikkin old
South America
In the Beginning
Kennedy High
The Faculty 2
CD Collection
The Chans
Exile Inside
Tom McRae
Due South
Red Meat
Get Fuzzy
Eddie Izzard
Michael Moore
Wil Wheaton