Tunnel of death! Tunnel of death!
1:57 a.m. on 2003-09-19

I have been thinking I should take some time out to introduce you all to the new members of my GAP group.

So, first meet the boring ones. I mean, uh, the sensible ones. Connie and Chris are a very sweet couple from Switzerland (I think). Chris insists on wearing very small, very tight shorts. But he�s lovely, really.

Mary and uh... her husband whose name I have forgotten, are a couple from England who I suspect were hippies in their youth. There were drugs involved, I�m sure. Of course, he *claims* its just tabacco in his roll-ups, but I have never seen two fifty-somethings be quite so eager to show off their Carribean limbo.

Then there are The Boys. Three of them, to be exact. Ben and Sam are brothers, from the UK. Sam is the slightly quieter of the pair, younger too, a "food consultant," whatever that is. Ben is a proffessional chef, although he appears able to turn his hand to anything - making wax flowers, scratching and mixing as a DJ, or criticising every meal we eat. Oh, and rapping to "Hotel California." Boy, that was a surreal night.

The third "Boy" is Andy, a tall and lanky Brit who spent the past 48 hours in a permanent state of either hungover or drunk. Nice bloke though. Even if he did introduce us to "The Tunnel of Death." This involves losing at cards, and being punished by wriggling through a line of legs while having your ass slapped.

Needless to say there was alcohol involved.

Thoroughly nice chaps though, all of them.

Random thing: being chased out of a disco by a dozen locals clad in traditional costume.

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