Harry Hill and China
3:12 p.m. on 2005-03-20

Had a shitty week at work. Long story short, the PTB believe that one person is able to deal with work normally given to a department of twenty, and that when that one person understandably makes a slight error, all hell is to pay.

I almost quit. Almost. Didn't, because I would have felt bad for the girls in my office who would then have had to deal with my workload, and they were being really lovely to me this week, giving up their own work to help me with mine.

And it's easier to get a job when you've got a job, of course.

Oh... and I sorta booked a holiday this weekend.


Four weeks in China! Well... technically the first week is in Hong Kong where I'll be stopping with Chris. Then the next three weeks is a trip. I start in HK, then cross the border and take an overnight train to Guilin. There I enjoy the countryside, cycle through paddy fields and thoroughly enjoy myself. Then to Yanghuo for some local lessons, then to Chengdu and a panda breeding centre.

Hee. Pandas.

Then... I make the pilgrimage to Mount Emei Shan, possibly staying in a monastery. There's then a three night journey down the Yangtzee on a Chinese river boat, then to the city of Xian for the Terracotta Warriors, before Beijing, the Great Wall, and home.

*sighs happily*

The trip is booked for next March, so I've got a while yet! But it's nice to have something to look forward to (and I need to save up).

What else? Went to see Harry Hill last night. The second time I've seen him, and I think the funniest, although the pants-wetting moment was unintentional. Harry Hill struggling to do a sketch involving two puppets playing tennis against each other, when the back of one of the puppet's heads falls off.

He did make me cry with laughter though. Particularly when he mentioned his own 'selling out' to commercialism, and promptly started rolling around on his back screaming: "Oh, I like Branston Pickle, I like piccallillis... yeah, it was me, I BURNT DOWN THE FACTORY!"

*sighs contentedly*

Listening to: Barenaked Ladies

Quote: "Awww...little Alan Hill,due to a serious accident with Nana Hill's cooking only able to communicate through the tap. One tap for yes (Tap), two taps for No (tap tap), and Riverdance to express arousal."

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