Cat sick and... eww
10:03 p.m. on 2005-03-22

We took the cats to get chipped today.

Essentially this involves having a tiny microchip inserted under their skin, which can then be scanned by any vetinary practice or the RSPA using an online service to produce our home address and contact details. And, rather neatly (and much to Stanley's relief) the PTB have combined the chip with a temperature reading device, so it's an end to all those thermometres inserted where the sun never shines.

We were supposed to get them done last week, but Stanley did a runner and only turned up when it was too late. So instead we switched the cat flap to one way, and kept them in the kitchen all day.

I came home to find they'd missed the litter box by a couple of inches and puked all over the floor, probably in protest.

Cleared that up, then shut them in their boxes (largely to stop them hammering at the locked cat flap), and whisked them off to the vet.

They're oddly well behaved at the vets, Stanley and George. Okay, so George decided it was safer inside his cat box than outside on the nasty, cold, metal vet's table, but other than that they were still, and didn't bite or scratch.

Newly chipped and armed with worming tablets, we came home. Stanley decided to mroaw loudly all the way, and only shut up for a moment - long enough to puke all over the inside of the cage, which he then promptly rolled about in.

The last ten minutes of the journey were spent with my mother and I shoving our faces into the rolled down windows and trying not to breathe through our mouths.

So. Aired the car out, hosed down the cat box, and finally... bathed Stanley.

Well, my mum and sister did. I missed out, sadly. And no, they didn't take on my sister's boyfriend's suggestion of just shutting Stanley in the shower and switching it on.

Again, he was very well behaved, even when being roughly towel dried. I think he's now wandering around the house looking slightly confused and damp.

Listening to: the Buffy soundtrack

Quote: "Oh, they say madness runs in our family. Some even call me mad. And why? Because I dared to dream of my own race of atomic monsters, atomic supermen with octagonal shaped bodies that suck blood..."

And because I thought it was interesting...

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