My subconscious is so dull
6:05 p.m. on 2005-08-24

The strange nature of the company I work for means that I'm the only one who does my job. Therefore when I go away, my job has to be covered by someone who then has to cover two jobs - their own, and mine. Ditto if this other person goes away.

This goes a long way to explain why my company is so reluctant to grant its employees' long holidays.

For the past week I've been covering for another girl, doing her job as well as my own. I'm not going to complain; truth is, if it were not for her work, I'd probably be very, VERY bored at the minute, since my own workload is currently a little slow. But I've been busy every minute, which makes a change, and various computer glitches lead to further complications and stresses. This leads to a day which proceeds somewhat like this:

- get up
- travel to work, trying not to fall asleep on the train
- work
- return home
- eat
- dream about work

Yes, I go to sleep, relax, then promptly dream about my damn job! Aargh! I hate that.

It was the same when I was working the conveyor belt line at a local airline meals manufacturer. Even when lying in bed, it felt as though my hands were moving, and that the ceiling was moving from left to right. Like motion sickness, but... work orientated.

So, subconscious, I'd really like to dream about something else, if that's okay with you. I've been watching a lot of Scrubs lately - dreaming about Zach Braff wouldn't be disappointing. Nor would the odd David Hewlett dream. Or Nip/Tuck.

Yeah, I'd like a Nip/Tuck dream. As long as no surgery was involved.

You listening, brain?

Listening to: Kendall Payne 'Pray'

Quote: "Push around a stiff, and nobody will ask you to do anything."

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