Beats head against brick wall - ooh, less painful
1:07 p.m. on 2005-04-25

How can anyone seriously think of voting for the Conservative Party? A bunch of racist, homophobic hypocritical bastards led by a baby shaving vampire who will suck this country of a soul.

Over react? Moi?

It's not just that I disagree with their policies, it's that they're so stupendously stupid about them. Take, for example, their attack on Labour and the problem of keeping MRSA out of our hospitals.

For a start, the NHS wouldn't be quite so fucked up as it is now if it weren't for several decades of Tory underfunding. Then there's the fact that it was under the Tories that the NHS cleaners were privatised, leased out to private companies.

Secondly, the Tories seem so keen on both having their hat and eating it. This does not make for good government.

You can't attack the idea of economic migration without recognising that without immigrants, there wouldn't be anyone to clean the hospitals.

You can't bundle all people coming to this country under the same label, confusing immigrants with illegal immigrants and asylum seekers. You can't then employ these immigrants to deliver your campaign leaflets, whilst paying them less than the minimum wage.

You can't insist that more is done to deal with the number of immigration and asylum applications whilst at the same time promising to cut 80,000 jobs from the civil service.

You can't enact any policy without a well staffed civil service.

But then, the Tories like both having and eating hats. Take their stance on the war - all for it at the beginning, only to round on the government now in an attempt to absolve themselves of guilt.

And there's their stance on the EU. Pulling out of the EU would be an economic disaster. We would be subject to all the EU taxes and our export industries would be shot to hell.

Why? Because the Tory party have managed to create this vision of Britain which shows a country swarming with disease, overflowing with illegal immigrants, and we're losing our Englishness, gawd-nammit!

Quite what "Englishness" is, it's never yet been explained.

Ergh. Labour aren't much better. Good economic history but not much else. They have become too reactionary, producing policies that are headline pleasers but do little or nothing to solve the problem - or worse, actually aggravate it.

It's just horribly frustrating to see my neighbours proudly displaying their Tory signs. Are they really that stupid? Have they forgotten what happened the last time? Sure, Labour aren't great, and I'm not going to vote for them, but are we really that desperate that we're going to hand the country back to the guy who was partly responsible for fucking it up last time?

Listening to: Learning Cantonese: Dialogue One

Quote: "To be non-conformist, you must dress in black and listen to exactly the same music we do."

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