Yet another load of pointless questions!
12:44 p.m. on 2004-01-26

Haven't updated in a while, so I thought I would pinch this from another site...

Yes, it's Yet Another Pointless Questionnaire!

The story behind your current msn name]: "Cybersyd." It's the online identity of a character named Sydney Bloom, who was the lead in a short-lived sci-fi show called VR5. It is one of my favourite shows of all time.

[Where do you live?]: Stockport

[3 words that sum you up]: Vague, tidy, dreamer


[Wallet]: Black, with a small Pikachu keyring attached that Louise gave me many years ago.

[Hairbrush]: Gold, round, and covered in hair.

[jewellery you wear daily]: Costume jewellery, whatever matches,

[Pillow cover]: Red and gold, with an elephant on it.

[Coffee cup]: Well, my tea mug at work is one Louise bought me (again!) which has a big red cat on it.

[Shoes]: Doc Martins. Preferably with flowers on.

[CD in stereo right now]: Thea Gilmore - Avalanche

[piercings]: Ears, just the pair.

[What you are wearing now]: My favourite Hong Kong tight blue jeans, my Hong Kong off-the-shoulder red jumper, a Dido vest, and a scarf (it's cold in here!)

[Hair]: Red. Needs a cut and a dye badly.

[In my mouth]: Food. Chocolate.

[In my head]: Musings.

[Eating]: Cadburys. Yum!

[Some of your favorite movies]: LOTR, Jeffery, Singin' in the Rain, Ghost in the Shell, Footloose

[Something you're looking forward to]: Going home

[The last thing you ate?]: A somerfield chicken and pasta doo-dah

[Something that you are deathly afraid of?]

My parents dying. Oh, and wolf spiders. AARGH!

[Do you like candles]: Yes. Weird question...

[Do you believe in a thing called love]: Yes.

[Do you believe in soul mates]: Yes.

[Do you believe in love at first sight]: No. Only lust at first sight.

[Do you believe in forgiveness]: Yes.

[If you could have any animal for a pet]: Frodo. *sigh*

[What are 3 places you wouldn't mind relocating to?]:

Hong Kong, Quito, Hamburg

[What are some of your favorite pig out foods?]: Chocolate, chinese take-away

[Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time?]: Susan

{In the last 24 hours, have you:}

[Cried:] Yes

[Gotten sick:] No

[Sang:] Yes

[Eaten:] Yes

[Felt stupid:] Yes. Well how was I to know there are two St Mary's hospitals!

[Hugged someone:] Yes

[Met somebody new:] No

[Talked to an ex:] Hell no

[Talked to someone you have a crush on:] No

[Fought with your parents:] Yes

[Dreamed about someone you can't be with:]Yes.

[Are you center of attention or the wallflower:] Um... get back to me on that one.

[What type of automobile do you drive:] An imaginary one. That flies.

[Would u rather be with friends or on a date:] Depends who the date is with!

[Do you attend church:] No


[Do you like being around people:] Yes. Just not all the time.

[Who have you known the longest:] Sarah. Since I was a day old!

[who do you argue the most with:] My mother. Or Louise. Tough call.

[Who do you always get along with?:]

I was gonna say Claire but... lol... um... Hayley.

[Who has the coolest siblings?:]

Hayley. Chloe has the BEST taste in movies. We'll ignore the piercings.

[Who is the smartest:] Dan. Well, he memorizes stuff. And does maths. And things.

[Who is your Hero(ine):] The writers of SG1.

In other news... Frodo died... not the literary character, obviously, but my cat. He's been around since I was 6 years old and we bought him with his brother Bilbo.

Basically, I think he had a stroke. It wasn't entirely unexpected, but it was sudden.

And now i miss him like hell. The house seems totally empty and I keep thinking he'll be around the corner but he isn't.


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