Whining, mostly.
11:38 a.m. on 2005-06-26

They say no news is good news, right?


I haven't heard back from any of the jobs I applied to. Neither have I heard back from a ... well, a Very Cool Thing if it ever happened. But the Very Cool People are running a little behind schedule (say, about four months) and are slow in giving back responses.

So I wait.

Meanwhile... it's summer, which means I'm spluttering and sneezing and feeling generally unpleasant, popping hayfever tablets like they're candy and leaving a trail of snotty tissues in my wake. Mm.

Both my sister and my dad are always on their hols at the minute. I shouldn't complain, given I'm going to China! next year, but man... I want a holiday! With a bit of planning I may be spending a few days in Holland in September, which should be nice. I have been to Amsterdam, briefly, for about two days. I think I was eight or nine at the time - so my memories are a little fuzzy.

Work continues to suck. I should point out that the people I work with, in general, are very nice, although I have nothing in common with them. But the work itself is both boring and stressful (yes, it is possible for a job to be both!) and despite its illusions at grandeur, the Place That Shall Not Be Named is actually not that great a company to work for. It's possible that if I were in a different department, I might have a different opinion...

No, wait, scratch that. I've seen the number of redundancies going through every month.

And nuts... someone just swooped me on Ebay for a dress I liked. Damn it!

Listening to: PJ Harvey

Quote: "Life is to short to drink cheap booze."

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