Stupidity - from Efan, into the Whitehouse!
1:04 p.m. on 2004-06-28

As if we needed more proof that Bush was an idiot:


Here's the gist. The Bush administration has just introduced new rules to apply to organisations involved in AIDS prevention. Failure to adbide by these rules means a withdrawal of public funding.

These new rules include:

Making it impossible to ask questions on surveys about whether the survey participant engages in sexual acts without protection. (It's obscene, apparantly)

No questions about gay kids.

Censoring leaflets, videos, pictures, and online information from any "obscene" contents, including, for example, suggestions on how to learn how to put on a condom by practiscing on a cucumber or dildo.

All leaflets and other material must include information on the "lack of effectiveness of condom use" in tackling the increase in AIDs and HIV. This despite proffessional medical opinion agreeing that condoms are actually the most effective way of achieving this.

Decisions on which material to distribute, and which not, which breaks the rules and which does not, will be made by political appointees. IE: Bush lapdogs.

Instead, a third of all federal HIV education money will go to abstinence only programs, the majority of which are run by Christian organisations (no Muslim or Jewish group has recieved any funding). One such federally-funded program conducts anti-abortion prayer rallies outside abortion clinics.

Why are people still voting for this man? Why does he have such support? Even ignoring the war in Iraq, which is pretty damn hard to do, why would anyone vote for a man so firmly wedged in the pockets of Conservative Christian America? As far as I was aware, Conservative Christians weren't the only ones allowed to vote?!


*goes to battle the forces of Bush and Darth Rumsfeld using the might of He-Man and Hulk Hogan*

Listening to: Gary Jules "Barstool"

Quote: "Natural gas is hemispheric. I like to call it hemispheric in nature because it is a product that we can find in our neighborhoods." - leader of the free world, George W Bush

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