No Stargate makes Laura twitchy
8:51 p.m. on 2004-11-30

I'm distressed.

Tuesday is Stargate: Atlantis evening in Canada, which makes it Stargate: Atlantis download night for me.

Except every download site I know of has chosen this moment to pack up and die, possibly due to the number of Atlantis fans busily trying to download the episode.

You know what this tells you? That downloading is illegal? Well.. yes. Also that tv companies shouldn't be so stupid. They should show something worldwide, simultaneously - and no, I don't know how that would be possible, but I don't care. I want my fix of McKay goodness!


Did I mention how much of a fantastic time I had in Leeds? I've been listening to BNL non-stop ever since, and I'm not sure I'm sick of them yet. I've just never seen a band perform with so much raw energy, so much love for what they're doing. And this goes for the audience, as well. The audience at Leeds (and at Manchester) had an amazing atmosphere.

Meanwhile... Manchester is all Christmassy. Pretty fairy lights in the trees and bright displays in every shop window. I bounced home last night sucking on (Free! With the Big Issue!) a stick of rock and listening to Steve Paige sing "Break Your Heart" on repeat.

I *heart* that song.

Oh, and the holiday company which dreamed up the idea of giving away free rock to advertise its services is a genius one. Not only does the scrap of paper wrapped around sugary goodness give details of the company and it's wares, but the website address is written through the rock.

Mm... sugar-based commercialism...

Listening to: Barenaked Ladies

Quote: "I have to set an example for the young people, and that is: be a fat guy with bad hair." - Steve Paige

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