Stupid Daily Mail readers. *kicks them*
1:14 p.m. on 2004-03-31

Ah, homophobes. Stupid homophobes. How I laugh.

Jeremy Vine (I shouldn't listen to his show, it's bad for my blood pressure) was discussing the current plans of the British government to introduce new laws which will give homosexual partners the same rights as hetrosexual partners, such as exemption from inheritance tax after death, etc.

Cue every Daily Mail reader in the country trying to phone up Jeremy to protest how 'outrageous' this is. My favourite comment? "If a person like that moved in next door to me, with their partner, they'd be out in the street, in public, *doing* things with each other, and how am I going to explain that to my kids?"

Hm. *doing* things. Like what, mutilating puppies? Knocking down old ladies? Oh, you mean *kissing.* Holding hands. Hugging. Snuggling.

Our society is at risk! Burn some cars! Rob a shop! Loot and pillage! Fill trash cans neatly with burning rubbish! AARGH!

I just wanted to get this caller and go: "Look, you explain it to your kids like this. Two people love each other. They show their love for each other by touching each other and being intimate with each other. This is perfectly normal and right, and even quite lovely. And it doesn't matter if they're both called Tracey, or if they're both called Jeff. It's love."

The government spokesman on Jeremy Vine was trying to sell the new law as a step towards equality for hetrosexual couples, and she was right, in a way. She never answered Jeremy's question of why not allow gay marriage.


Oh well, could be worse I guess. We could be like the US, and the white conservative fundamentalist Christians could actually have a significant say in the running of our country.


In other news.... Peter Ustinov died. He was an actor, writer, director, the Chancellor of Durham University, and a thoroughly nice bloke.

He gave me my degree last year. I was one of the last Durham students to be given a degree by Pete.

That's a shame...

Listening to: Shakira's Tango

Quote: "Look! Look! I'm a robot prostitute from the future!"

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